
- Home 
│    ├  Elmina Castle
│    ├ Cape-Coast Castle
│    ├ Kakum Nationalpark
│    ├ Forts im Westen
│    ├ Der Voltasee
│    ├ Die Wasserfall
│    ├ Kumasi
│    ├ Mangroven Sümpfe
│    ├ Stelzendorf Nzulesu
│    └ Accra
Hilfe für Dorfkinder

- Hotel 
Biriwa Beach Hotel
Die Zimmer
Das Restaurant
Der Pool
Vögel der Hotelanlage

- Informationen 
Ghana Informationen
Gestern & Heute
Land & Leute
Ghanaische Küche
Reich der Tiere
│    ├ Nationalparks
│    ├ Primaten
│    ├ Raubtiere
│    ├ Antilopen
│    ├ Andere Säugetiere
│    ├ Reptilien
│    ├ Schlangen
│    ├ Vögel:
│    │   ├ Die Küstenregion
│    │   ├ Die Savanne
│    │   └ Die Waldregion
│    └ Tropische Fische
Diplomatische Vertretungen
Das Wetter in Ghana
Empfohlene Links

- Ghanas Regionen 
Ghanas Regionen
West- und Zentralregion
│    ├ Elmina Castle
│    ├ Cape-Coast Castle
│    ├ Kakum Nationalpark
│    ├ Fort Metall Cross
│    ├ Fort Grossfriedrichsburg
│    ├ Fort Sao Antonio
│    ├ Margroven Sümpfe
│    └ Stelzendorf Nzulesu
Accra Region
│    ├ Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park
│    ├ Du Bois Memorial Center
│    ├ National Museum
│    ├ Center of National Culture
│    ├ Makola Markt
│    └ Sargmacher
Ashanti & Brong Ahafo Region
│    ├ Okonfo Anokye Sward Site
│    ├ Armed Forces Museum
│    ├ Kejetia Markt
│    ├ Lake Bosomtwe
│    ├ Schnitzer von Ahwiaa
│    ├ Bonwire
│    ├ Affenschutzreservat
│    └ Kintampo Wasserfall
Ost Region
│    ├ Aburi Gardens
│    ├ Akosombo Damm
│    └ Boti Wasserfälle
Volta Region
│    ├ Wli Wasserfall
│    ├Tsatsudo Wasserfall
│    ├ Mount Afadjato
│    ├ Lipke Hölen
│    └ Tafi-Atome Affenreservat
Nord Region
       ├ Mole Nationalpark
       ├ Larabanga Moschee
       ├ Paga's Heilige Krokodile
       ├ Wechiau Hippo Park
       └ Auf dem Volta See
- Home 
Day Tours
│    ├ Elmina Castle
│    ├ Cape-Coast Castle
│    ├ Kakum National Park
│    ├ Forts in the West
│    ├ Lake Volta
│    ├ The Waterfall
│    ├ Kumasi
│    ├ Mangrove Jungle
│    ├ Nzulesu Village on stilts
│    └ Accra
Travel Tips
Price List
Access Route
Aid for Village Kids
Credits / Contact
Slide Show

- Hotel 
Biriwa Beach Hotel
The Rooms
The Restaurant
The Pool
Birds around the Hotel
SPA & Wellness

- Information 
Ghana Information
Past & Presents
Land & People
Ghanaian Kitchen
Animal Kingdom
│    ├ National Parks
│    ├ Primates
│    ├ Predators
│    ├ Antelopes
│    ├ Other Mammals
│    ├ Reptiles
│    ├ Snakes
│    ├ Birds:
│    │   ├ The Coastal Zone
│    │   ├ The Savannas Zone
│    │   └ The Forest Zone
│    └ Tropical Fish
Diplomatic Missions
Weather in Ghana
Recommended Links

- Ghanas Regions 
Ghanas Regions
West- und Central Region
│    ├ Elmina Castle
│    ├ Cape-Coast Castle
│    ├  Kakum National Park
│    ├ Fort Metall Cross
│    ├ Fort Grossfriedrichsburg
│    ├ Fort Sao Antonio
│    ├ Margroven Juggle
│    └ Nzulesu Village on Stilts
Accra Region
│    ├ Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park
│    ├ Du Bois Memorial Center
│    ├ National Museum
│    ├ Center of National Culture
│    ├ Makola Market
│    └ Coffin Shop
Ashanti & Brong Ahafo Region
│    ├ Okonfo Anokye Sward Site
│    ├ Armed Forces Museum
│    ├ Kejetia Market
│    ├ Lake Bosomtwe
│    ├ Wod Carvers at Ahwiaa
│    ├ Bonwire
│    ├ Buabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary
│    └ Kintampo Waterfall
Eastern Region
│    ├ Aburi Gardens
│    ├ Akosombo Dam
│    └ Boti Fall
Volta Region
│    ├ Wli Waterfall
│    ├ Tsatsudo Wasserfall
│    ├ Mount Afadjato
│    ├ Lipke Caves
│    └ Tafi-Atome Monkey Sanctuary
Northern Region
       ├ Mole National Park
       ├ Larabanga Mosque
       ├ Paga's Holy Crocodiles
       ├ Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary
       └ On the Volta Lake

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